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Sponsorpalooza with Common Hope! Intro Photo

Sep 15

Sponsorpalooza with Common Hope!

Sponsor an Aspiring Health Care Worker and receive a FREE La La Palooza!


Family and community have always been two words that describe Bridgeman’s well. Just being a part of the local community isn’t enough. We want to ensure we are creating positive and lasting impact. For that reason, we have committed ourselves to supporting children and families through education not only in our community, but globally. We have chosen to partner with a local non-profit, Common Hope. They are an amazing organization that supports children and families through education in Guatemala.


For Common Hope, September is Sponsorpalooza, a time of year where Common Hope celebrates the power of relationships and shares how to Be The Hope for students in Guatemala. From September 13-20, Bridgeman’s and Common Hope are teaming up! Now, more than ever, we know the dedication of health care workers. We want celebrate and support and encourage the next generation of health care workers. To that end, we want to help find sponsors for 25 aspiring health care workers in Guatemala – a country that faces the pandemic with in a healthcare system with lack of access - only one doctor for every 10,000+ citizens and even fewer clinics and services. In Guatemala, most face the pandemic in their home and with little support. The country needs more students to choose a career in the healthcare.Sponsor one of these students today and you will can change the life of a student, their family and an entire community, for the long-term.


Sponsor one of the 25 Aspiring Health Care Workers in this gallery anytime between now and Sunday and you will receive a coupon for a FREE LaLaPalooza to be redeemed at our Woodbury parlor!


Want to learn more or just want to meet the folks from Common Hope? Come by our Woodbury parlor on September 16th from 5:30-7:30 for a “Common Hope No Worry Wednesday Pop-Up”! Grab your favorite Bridgeman’s ice cream treat and get a Guatemalan worry doll while learning about the Common Hope students! Even better yet, sponsor a student and get your free La La Palooza that day!


Learn more about Common Hope at or follow Common Hope on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter.